Performed this fall at Junibacken

Bridget and the moose-brothers are back! A performance that suits those who just like Bridget, REFUSE to climb on roofs. Moose, brothers and adults are also greeted a warm welcome! Well, also those who DO climb on roofs, of course.

Our theatre of Pija Lindenbaums lovely story about Bridgets moose-brothers is performed in Teaterladan at Junibacken. The performance runtime is approx 20 minutes. Get your tickets now.

Bridget and the Moose-brothers

Location: Teaterladan at Junibacken

Based on the book by: Pija Lindenbaum
Script and Director: Mikael Kallin
Ensemble: Maria Parfält, David Krafft, Eric Rusch
Stage craft: Kim Bergqvist, Maria Häggqvist
Production: Håkan Sanchis
Costume and props: Malin Pierre
Original Score: Emil Nilsson, Thomas Carleberg
Sound engineer: Benjamin Johansson, Nadja Tigerschiöld, Scott Isitt, Johan Arrhenius
Music production: Benjamin Johansson

Gittan och Älgbrorsorna bokomslag

About Pija Lindenbaum

Pija Lindenbaum is one of our times great Swedish picture book creators. She is born and raised in Sundsvall and graduated from Konstfack in 1979. Since then she has worked as an artist, designer and writer and has created a collection of picture book best-sellers. The ability to manage both text and visuals in a unique way has become Pija Lindenbaums signature. Always combining a large amount of comedy and originality. Pija Lindenbaum raises the cultural status of picture books with her highly appreciated picture books, while renewing and deepen the medium with her stories.